Important Alerts & Infomore >>

Dodgers vs Braves

Pick Up: Dept SB 9:30am/Carp 9:50/ Ventura 10:20/Camarillo 10:35
Drop Off: Camarillo 5pm/Ventura 5:20/Carp 5:40/SB 6:00


Dodgers vs Angels

Pick Up: Dept SB 3pm/Carp 3:20/ Ventura 3:50/Camarillo 4:05
Drop Off: Camarillo 11pm/Ventura 11:20/Carp 11:40/SB 12:00am


Dodgers vs D-Backs

Pick Up: Dept SB 1:30pm/Carp 1:50/ Ventura 2:20/Camarillo 2:35
Drop Off: Camarillo 11pm/Ventura 11:20/Carp 11:40/SB 12:00am
Join us for a 4th of July filled with baseball! We will stay to enjoy the fireworks after the game.


Dodgers vs Giants

Pick Up: Dept SB 2:30pm/Carp 2:50/ Ventura 3:20/Camarillo 3:35
Drop Off: Camarillo 11pm/Ventura 11:20/Carp 11:40/SB 12:00am


Dodgers vs Pirates

Pick Up: Dept SB 9:30am/Carp 9:50/ Ventura 10:20/Camarillo 10:35
Drop Off: Camarillo 5pm/Ventura 5:20/Carp 5:40/SB 6:00
